Webcam Usman. Shmidt street (Lipetsk region) in real time

The town of Usman is part of the Usman district. In the west it borders with Prigorodnaya rural administration, in the east - with Devitskaya rural administration.

Located in the southern part of Lipetsk region, 80 km from the regional center, on the railroad Moscow-Gryazi-Rostov, 40 km from the highway "Don" and 60 km from Voronezh.
Usman is the fifth largest town in Lipetsk region, and has been the administrative center of Usman district for over 200 years.

Usman' town was founded in 1645, when the town governor Stepan Veliaminov ordered "to build new towns on Belgorod districts and connect them with shafts of earth and timber in the forests to take away the war from Crimean, Nogay and Azov people" in place of the central part of the modern town, near the present-day Usman church, a wooden residential burg was built. The town was built in two years, stood with eight guard towers, 27 kilometers of protective earth rampart from the Usmana River to Devitskiy forest.

On the whole, the town is well landscaped with garden plots, streets and public green spaces, which include a city park, a boulevard along Lenina street, and public gardens near the main town square.

The historical development of Usmani is also reflected in the structure of residential development in the town, which consists mostly of individual homestead houses in private ownership.

With the commissioning of sewage treatment plants and active construction of utilities in the 70's of the last century, construction of multi-storey residential buildings and public buildings started.

Developed network of means of communication: railroad, highways, availability of heavy-duty road bridges over the Usman River, sufficiently developed network of telecommunications make it possible to quickly and easily organize the delivery of goods and carry out interconnections with business partners.


Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:22 a.m.
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