Webcam Feodosia. Monument to Kotlyarevsky

Monument to Pyotr Kotlyarevsky - equestrian monument to General Pyotr Stepanovich Kotlyarevsky, opened on November 28, 2020 on the seafront of Feodosia, near the Aivazovsky Art Gallery.

The monument, made of stone The monument is made of stone of a particularly valuable rock - labradorite, is installed at the initiative of the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO) with the support of the Government of the Crimea. The artistic council of RVIO under the leadership of director Andrei Konchalovsky based on the results of an open international competition selected the work of sculptor Andrei Korobtsov and architect Konstantin Fomin.
According to the idea of the authors, the sculpture has only two small points of support, which was quite difficult to perform. Another unique element of the monument is a mosaic "Persian carpet" under the horse, which depicts the commander. The carpet symbolizes Persia as the defeated enemy.

The opening was attended by Deputy Minister of Defense Colonel-General A. Kartapolov, Deputy Prime Minister I. Mikhailichenko, Minister of Culture A. Novoselskaya, speaker of the State Council V. Konstantinov, Governor of Sevastopol M. Razvozzhaev and chairman of RVIO V. Medinsky.
In Feodosia Kotlyarevsky spent the last years of his life, where, on the advice of physicians acquired dacha "Good Asylum" and where he died Oct. 21, 1851. He was on friendly terms with I.K. Aivazovsky, who after his death in 1882 built in his honor a chapel-mausoleum on Mount Mithridates at the expense of philanthropist Rukavishnikov. The tomb of the general was lost during the Soviet era.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 12:11 p.m.
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