Webcam Petrozavodsk. Gagarin Square, Station (Karelia) online in real time

Petrozavodsk is an ancient city in northwest Russia, located 1090 kilometers from Moscow and 412 kilometers from St. Petersburg. Petrozavodsk, the same age as and almost the namesake of St. Petersburg, was founded at the mouth of the Lososinka River, on the shore of Lake Onega, at the behest of Peter the Great, and was also named in honor of the reforming tsar.

Gagarin Square in Petrozavodsk is located near the Railway Station, on Lenin Avenue. The square is surrounded by buildings dating back to the 1950s. During its existence, many times it has been renamed, in 1953 it was called New Railway Station Square, in 1955 - Privokzalnaya Square, and on April 13, 1961 it was named after the cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
In 2013, a Stella with a clock was installed according to a design by a St. Petersburg architect.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 10:46 a.m.
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