Webcam Saratov. Fountain "Melody" online in real time

Fountain "Melody" is the most grandiose and one of the oldest fountains of Saratov, many consider it the main fountain of Saratov. Fountain "Melody" is located on Kirov Avenue, the main pedestrian street of the city. It's a good place - there's a conservatory nearby, and the agrarian university. The fountain is located aside from the main stream of pedestrians so you can stand or sit near the water and drink some lemonade or eat ice-cream - there were always plenty of those places here.

The fountain was built in 1986. After the reconstruction in 2020, it has retained the architectural appearance of its bowl, but it is a whole multimedia complex. The total dimensions of the fountain are 32 by 36 meters, the main bowl is 31 by 14.6 meters. Four small bowls were completely dismantled and rebuilt, and the granite and porcelain stoneware lining of the bowls was replaced. In addition, within the renovation of the fountain complex there has been performed the complete reconstruction of the engine room.

It is installed 25 pumps, three water treatment and filtration systems. All equipment is energy efficient and meets modern requirements. Intelligent control system will allow to control the fountain remotely via the Internet. The list of compositions was agreed with the faculty of the Saratov State Conservatory. L.V. Sobinov and residents.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 10:42 a.m.
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