Crantock Webcam. Tennis court on the beach

Crantock is a coastal civil parish and settlement in Cornwall, England, United Kingdom. It is located about 3 km southwest of Newquay.

Crantock was founded in 460 AD when a group of Irish hermits settled south of the River Gunnel, which forms the natural boundary between the parishes of Newquay and Crantock.
The Gunnel River is tidal, and ferries run seasonally from Fern Peat to Crantock Beach. The Gunnel River runs along Crantock Beach and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The village can be reached by taking the A3075 through the intersection at Trevemper. The villages of Trevemper and West Pentire are part of the parish.

Much of the parish is now owned by the National Trust, including Cape West Pentir, which is an area of special scientific interest known for its wildflowers and rare plants.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 12:44 p.m.
United Kingdom
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