Online camera in Severodvinsk. A. Zryachev Embankment, Primorsky Boulevard

The embankment on the island of Yagry began to be created in 1982 on the initiative of Alexander Fedorovich Zryachev, director of the machine-building enterprise "Zvezdochka". The construction was carried out in parallel with development and improvement of surrounding areas. The main work was carried out by the Capital Construction Department of "Zvezdochka" enterprise. A student detachment of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute also took part in the embankment improvement works. Construction of the embankment was completed at the end of July 1982, and it was there that the solemn celebration of the Day of the Navy was organized.

August 16, 1998, during the celebration of the 60th anniversary of Severodvinsk, at the initiative of local historian L. Shmigelsky a monument to Richard Chancellor was installed on the waterfront. In 1553 he, the captain of the ship "Edward Bonaventure" reached the shore of the White Sea and opened the sea trade route from England to Moscow State instead of the expected shores of India. The author of the design of the memorial sign was A. Kostylev - head of repair and construction service of "Zvezdochka" enterprise. The stone block of White Sea granite faces the Gulf of Dva, where in August 1553 the first English ship came from. The granite block of glacial origin was borrowed for the monument from the dacha site of Zvezdochka. The anchor was previously stored in the collection of the Zvezdochka factory museum, and the decorative cannons were made in Nizhny Novgorod to the order of this enterprise.

On March 19, 2006, on the day when the 100th anniversary of Russian submarine fleet was celebrated, a solemn opening ceremony was held on the embankment, dedicated to the naming of Alexander Fedorovich Zryachyov, director of Zvyozdochka enterprise from 1972 to 1992.

On November 15, 2011, due to the hurricane wind and stormy weather the foundation of the Alexander Zryachyov embankment was destroyed in four places, the waves washed away more than 770 square meters of asphalt. A special account for donations was opened to organize the restoration work, and fundraising cubes were placed in city institutions. By joint efforts, the embankment was restored.
In 2011, the embankment of Alexander Zryachev was transferred to the MAU "Park of Culture and Recreation". Then, in the area of the embankment, bandstands were equipped, benches and other small architectural forms were installed.

Parallel to the embankment there is a beach area. A wide sandy beach stretches for several kilometers along the sea line. It is a great place for walking, jogging or Nordic walking. On hot summer days it seems that the whole city has come to the beach to sunbathe. The beach is not empty even when it is windy. Various kinds of kiting are actively developing in Severodvinsk: on a board on waves or on the ice of the bay; on a buggy on a sandy beach; at the end of July the kite festival "The Wind of the White Sea" is traditionally held here.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:16 a.m.
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