Webcam Yaroslavl. Nakhimson street online

Before the revolution of 1917 modern Nahimson Street was part of the Great Christmas Street, named after the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, which was located at the present-day Epiphany Square. From 1918 to 1984, this street had another name - Bolshaya Oktyabrskaya.

In September 1984 a section of Bolshaya Oktyabrskaya Street between Sovetskaya and Podbelskaya squares (now Epiphany Street) was named Nahimson Street in honor of Semen Mikhailovich Nahimson (1885-1918) - Bolshevik, the chairman of the executive committee of the Yaroslavl provincial council, who was killed during the Yaroslavl uprising in July 1918.

The building of the street was formed at the end of the XVIII century and the first half of the XIX century with some exceptions.
The bailiff's house (Nahimson St., 1) is built in early classicism style. The building is situated near the Southern building of public offices. Earlier it used to be a wine administration office and the bailiff's apartment. The first floor is decorated with banded rustication and fan locks under the windows. The windows on the second floor are framed by plain plat bands with straight sandriks above the middle one. In the second half of the 19th century, the courtyard side of the building was enlarged, the inner layout was changed, and the decor of the main façade was partially altered.

Some buildings of the Old Gostiny Dvor (16 Nahimson St.), which used to occupy the block between the present-day Nahimson St. and Kirov St., have been preserved. They were erected in the 1780s-1790s, according to the typical drawings developed by the "Commission for the Construction of St. Petersburg and Moscow". They consisted of the same type of sections with benches at the bottom, which had an open gallery along the facade, and premises on the second floor. The decor of the facade of the extant section was partially changed in the 2nd half of the 19th century.

In 1902 on the Bolshaya Rozhdestvenskaya Ulitsa (now 18 Nahimson St.) a store of the trading house "The Heirs of V. Ya. Я. Kuznetsov" cousins Vasily Kuznetsov and Pavel Govorov. The store sold tea, sugar and olive oil. In subsequent years, Vasily Platonovich Kuznetsov built a confectionery factory, which became one of the leaders of the industry. The store building and houses now decorate the section of the street adjacent to Epiphany Square.

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Nov. 29, 2022, 8:27 a.m.
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