Online camera Vologda. Okruzhnoe highway, Pankratova street

Vologda is a city in Russia, the administrative, cultural, transport and scientific center of the Vologda region, the center of the Vologda district, which is not included, having the status of a city of regional significance and forming the urban district of the city of Vologda.

Vologda is located 450 kilometers from Moscow and 650 kilometers from St. Petersburg. The population of the city is 306,593 people (2022).

County Road is located in a place where the village of Zernovo was formerly located. Mass building of the street began in the 1970s, due to the construction of a bearing factory and industrial buildings in the area. All of the nearby neighborhoods were built at the same time. Trolleybuses and buses run along the street.

Circular highway runs from north to southwest, beginning with a traffic circle intersection with Pankratova Street and ends with a traffic circle intersection with Poshehonskoye Highway. The total length of the highway is 4.100 meters.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 10:46 a.m.
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