Webcam Yaroslavl. Leontievskoye cemetery in real time

Leontievskoe cemetery is one of the active cemeteries in Yaroslavl. It is located in the central part of the city, in Vspolye. Part of the necropolis is occupied by the War Memorial Cemetery. On the territory of memorial complex there is church of St. Leontius of Rostov (1791).
The cemetery was founded in 1779 in a deserted place near the edge of the Uglich road, in connection with the Senate decree on placing the cemeteries outside the city limits in order to avoid outbreaks of epidemics. A little later a wooden church in honor of St. Leontius of Rostov was brought here disassembled from the city. The stone church of the same name was built and consecrated in 1791.

In the 1960s the cemetery was closed.
In 1993 Leontievsky church together with the cemetery was handed over to the ROC. At the same time the cemetery, previously closed for burials, was reopened, officially - only for secondary burials in the areas where there are already graves of deceased relatives. However, in fact, since then the cemetery has been massively producing new burials. The cost of the plots ranged from 50 thousand rubles to several million. As a result, many graves - both those that relatives did not care for and those that were cared for - were demolished and new ones were put in their place.

In 2020 the management of the cemetery was transferred from the ROC to the municipal service of the city cemeteries of Yaroslavl.

Last online:
Nov. 14, 2022, 7:01 a.m.
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