Webcam Zheleznogorsk. Victory Square (Krasnoyarsk region) online in real time

Zheleznogorsk is the administrative center of the urban district ZATO Zheleznogorsk. It is a territory where military-industrial facilities with a special regime are located. Until recently, the settlement was classified and was not marked on civilian maps. The city is 35 km from Krasnoyarsk and has a population of 84930 people.

The history of the city began in 1950 with a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, approved by Stalin, to begin construction of Combine № 815 complex to produce plutonium, needed for the production of weapons. The enterprise and the city under it were built by the military, Interior Ministry units and Gulag prisoners.

In 1950 near the future town territory the Granitny prison-labor camp was organized, which helped to build a railway branch line from Bazaikha station to Sotsgorodok point. Its length was 51 kilometers. This way allowed to quickly deliver materials to the construction site. At the same time mining work began in the rock massif.

In 1953 the territory began to acquire the features of the city: more than 200 dwelling houses, schools, cinema, kindergarten, hospital appeared.
In March 1954 the workers settlement received the status of the city with the name Zheleznogorsk.
In 1956 the future Mining-Chemical Complex was connected to the railroad. The enterprise was put into operation in 1958. It is located in a mountain range at a depth of 200 meters and was designed to withstand a nuclear strike. MCC has a developed system of transport tunnels, comparable with the Moscow metro.

In 1964 an underground radiochemical plant for reprocessing of irradiated uranium was built. Zheleznogorsk still has a special status, and can only be visited with a pass. The territory of ZATO Zheleznogorsk includes the city itself, as well as several adjoining settlements - Tartat, Podgorny, Novy Put', Dodonovo and Shivera.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:35 a.m.
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