Webcam Vologda. Poshehonskoe highway, Petina street online

Poshehonskoe Highway is located in the Southern residential area of Vologda. It got its name from the town of Poshekhonye. In connection with the construction of a new housing estate in this area in the 1980s, the first trolleybus was launched on the highway. At the same time here were built the buildings of the new regional hospital. In 2010, the biggest in the whole region shopping and entertainment center was built on the street. And in 2012 the construction of the regional children's hospital was completed. The Poshehonskoe highway runs from north to south, begins at Gorbaty bridge, passes through the Northern Railway near the train station, passing into the former Poshehonskoe tract, which is now a dead-end road to the village of Norobovo. The total length of the highway is 4,500 meters.
Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:38 a.m.
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