Online camera Krasnoyarsk. Kalinina Street, Industrialnaya Street

Kalinina Street is located in Zheleznodorozhny and Oktyabrsky districts of Krasnoyarsk. The border of the districts passes through the overpass.
It was named after Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin (1875-1946), Soviet statesman and party figure.

After the Bolsheviks came to power on the recommendation of Lenin, Mikhail Kalinin was elected chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in 1919.

In early 1919, Lenin proposed the creation of special propaganda trains, which, led by the leaders of the state, would make long trips around the country. The Bolsheviks needed the support of the population after coming to power. In addition, after the devastating civil war, it was necessary to set up production, restore rail transport and feed the country. Kalinin was instructed to lead one of these trains.

В In November 1920 he sets off on the agitprop train "October Revolution" across Siberia. On November 29, the train arrives in Krasnoyarsk. With propaganda speeches Kalinin speaks first to the workers in the railway workshops, then to the Krasnoyarsk leadership in the theater premises named after Pushkin, which requires them to solve the transport and food problem by all means.

The next day the propaganda train leaves further to the East.
Kalinin Street is essentially an avenue. It is a wide six lane highway connecting Central, Soviet, Zheleznodorozhny and Kastrychnitsky districts of the city together.
The length of the street is more than seven kilometers. Two-storey "Stalin houses" were built here by the fiftieth year of the last century. Thus the area from the beginning of street to "Second Kalinina" bus stop is built up with Stalinist houses.

In 1960 a trolleybus of the fourth route was put into operation up to Kalinina Street and it continues to carry passengers to this day.
The project of three new blocks of flats with twelve and sixteen storey buildings was worked out.

The Bugach Creek flows next to the street. Seventeen bridges and footbridges have been built across it. The project of improving the brook is ready, and in the near future there will be built cozy well-appointed embankments.

Silver Creek flows across the street, originating near the Vetluzhanka stadium. At its intersection with the street in 2013, "Molodezhny" park was laid out.

Kalinin Avenue plays a role as a transportation, economic, and residential center for neighboring streets and alleys, such as Kombaynostroiteley Street, Tsimlyanskaya Street, Kamskaya Street, Norilskaya Street, and others.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:24 a.m.
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