Online camera Krasnoyarsk. Stepanov Square, Kopylova Street

Kopylova Street (before 1921 - Boyarskaya Street) is located in Zheleznodorozhny and Oktyabrsky districts of Krasnoyarsk.

The history of Boyarskaya Street is associated with the formation in the late 19th century on the western outskirts of Krasnoyarsk, behind the railroad line, workers' settlement - Nikolayevskaya Sloboda. This spontaneously built up sloboda appeared at once after construction in Krasnoyarsk of depot and main railway workshops and many other constructions, belonging to the railroad.

In 1921 Nikolaevskaya Sloboda was renamed into "Sloboda III Internationala", but the residents of the sloboda, and all the townspeople, continued to call this part of the city "Nikolaevka. In the same year Boyarskaya street was renamed in honor of Nikolai Mironovich Kopylov (1880-1919), an active participant in the struggle for Soviet power in Yenisei province.

Until the end of the 1970s, Kopylov street and the greater part of the suburb were mainly built up with one- or two-storied houses having no historical or architectural value.
The street and surrounding neighborhoods had long been isolated from the central part of town: there were no access roads through the railroad line.

When the 50s and 60s of the last century began intensive development of the northwestern part of Krasnoyarsk, the only road connecting this part of town with the central became Prospekt Svobodny. But by the seventies it became obvious that this avenue could not cope with the resulting loads, it was necessary to build an alternative shortest road.
In 1977 the Kopylovsky bridge (overpass) over the track development of Krasnoyarsk station - passenger, which connected this area with the central part of the city, was built.

Since that time the reconstruction and intensive building of this old street began. The first modern buildings in Kopilov area appeared in 1977. They were five-story "Leningrad" on Menzhinskogo street under #13, 14, 14 "a", 17, 18, 18 "a", and the first ones on Kopylova street were two nine-story panel 97-series houses #48, 70.

Kopylova street is the shortest way from the city center to the northwestern part of Krasnoyarsk. It starts in Zheleznodorozhny district from Robespiera Street, crossing the railroad tracks, goes to Oktyabrsky district, where it bifurcates into Volochayevskaya street. The historical part of the street goes straight and ends at the intersection with Serov Street. The main part, joining with Godenko Street, forms a single Kopylova - Totmin Street that runs through the northwestern part of the city.

Passing by Kopylovsky bridge, on the left we can see the building of the railway station, on the right - the very first buildings of the former main railway workshops of the Siberian road, now EVRZ, built at the turn of XIX and XX centuries.
The even side of the street is exclusively built up with panel multi-storey buildings on the basis of the 97th series. The odd side, from the modern development, is represented by three ten-story panel buildings of 97-series, built in the mid-2000s.

In the area between Kopylova Street and Red Army Street, in place of the demolished two-story wooden barracks built in the mid-1930s, a square was created at the end of 2014. The area of the square was almost 1.2 hectares.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:42 a.m.
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