Webcam Severodvinsk. Lomonosov Square (Arkhangelsk region) in real time

Lomonosov Square is formed at the intersection of Lenin Avenue and Lomonosov Street. This round-shaped square is built up with houses, the facade line of which repeats its outlines. Stucco medallions and light windows have been preserved on the facade of each house.

The central place on the square is occupied by a monument to Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov - the great Russian scientist and encyclopedist, a native of Arkhangelsk region. The monument was unveiled in November 1958. The bronze figure of the scientist stands on a high four-meter pedestal, which was established and decorated by workers of the Department of Construction and Sevdormash. And the figure of MV Lomonosov, the authors of which were sculptor Mikhail Aleshchenko and architect Mikhail Nasekin, sculpted in Moscow workshops. There is an interesting detail: the figure of the scientist was firstly modeled from plaster and then a special sewn jacket, cloak, shoes and stockings were put on it, and only after that the final version of the sculpture was made from this model.

For a long time the Lomonosov monument was the biggest and most noticeable one in Severodvinsk. For a long time there has been a tradition in the city: demobilized soldiers of the military units located in the city, on their last day of service put their striped vest on the monument.

Nowadays Lomonosov Square is one of the centers for celebrations.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:47 a.m.
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