Ilovlya webcam. Budyonny Street (Volgograd region) in real time

Ilovlya is a fairly large working village, located literally in the center of Ilovlinsky district of Volgograd region. Like most settlements in Russia, the village has a rich history of many centuries, which dates back to the XVII century.

Today there are several versions about the origin of the name of the village. One of them says that a certain man who used to catch fugitive convicts in those days, and in one of his reports to the tsar made a fatal grammatical error, was sent by a tsar decree. He wrote: "... Ilovlya of convicts is successful".

According to the second version - "Ilovlya" was named so because the bank of the Don, namely its left tributary - was muddy.

Due to various historical reasons, the village has repeatedly changed its location. Geographically Ilovlya is located 76 kilometers from the city of Volgograd, and 83 kilometers away by road.

The village is located in the steppe part of the Volga highlands on the river "Ilovlya". Most of the settlement is located on its left bank. The terrain is flat, there are many artificial forest plantations.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 10:56 a.m.
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