Online camera Krasnoyarsk. Ulitsa Konstitutsii SSSR, Ulitsa Parisse Komuny

USSR Constitution Street is located in the Central district of Krasnoyarsk.
It was named on the eve of the Constitution of the USSR 1977 by the decision of the Executive Committee of Krasnoyarsk City Council № 439 of 04.10.1977 on the naming of the street in the 20th district.

Ulitsa Konstitutsii SSSR is the youngest street of the historical center of Krasnoyarsk. At the place where the buildings are now built, was the mouth of the river Kachi. To erect a whole new neighborhood here, the builders had to reclaim the soil.
The first houses were put into operation in 1976. They were mostly large-panel nine-storey buildings based on 111-97 series, which was just starting to enter the construction market of Krasnoyarsk.

Soviet Constitution Street runs along the right bank of the Kachi, from Karatanov Street to Paris Commune Street. On the left bank of the river is the only building belonging to this street - Krasnoyarsk Regional Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren (1 Konstitutsii SSSR Street).

One of the most comfortable and quiet corners of the historical center of Krasnoyarsk is located here. Along the bank of Kachi the embankment with arbors and young trees is arranged, as well as one of the largest and most original playgrounds in the city: new and interesting complexes for children with slides, swings, area for rollers...

But the most unusual thing here is the walls of a fortress or castle, decorated with mosaics and marble windows. These walls have been there since the beginning of the site in September 1981. In 2014, during the reconstruction of the site, the floor was paved with paving stones, the walls were renovated and mosaics were painted.

Another uniqueness of this wonderful place - stacked in low rocks large granite stones. They are just like the walls of the fortress, were there originally. Many children are attracted to them more than playgrounds. Children and teenagers conquer the so-called "mini-Stolby", play hide-and-seek here, find mini-caves, feeling like true conquerors of mountain peaks.

The area, like the whole street, is well landscaped. There is not much traffic passing through here. The only disadvantage is the remoteness from the stops of public transport.

The housing stock on Konstitutsii Street is represented by four nine-storey buildings of the 97th series, three sixteen-storey "candles" of the same 97th series, and one nine-storey house of the KZH series. The elegant house number 7, built in 2005, stands out in particular from the entire street. It is a residential complex "Parus" with a fenced secured area and an underground parking lot.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:18 a.m.
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