Webcam Veliky Novgorod. Nekhinskaya street online in real time

Nekhinskaya is one of the streets of Veliky Novgorod. It starts from the intersection with Oktyabrskaya and Belova Streets, runs in a westerly direction, comes to the village of Novaya Melnitsa, then turns into Nekhinskoe highway. Its length is 1,950 m.

It is one of the main highways of the city, connecting the center with the Western District. At its beginning it is crossed by railroad, then it has intersections with Lomonosova street, Prospekt Mira and Kochetova street.

Its name was given to it by the resolution of Novgorod Executive Committee of January 13, 1966. Earlier in this area was located Nekhinskaya sloboda.
The street is built up with administrative and residential buildings including: PATP-1, industrial association "Start", Novgorod State University Pedagogical College, "Splav" corporation, and so on.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 10:50 a.m.
Velikiy Novgorod
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