Webcam Novofedorovka. Seagull beach

Novofedorovka is a small coastal village in the Crimea. It is considered a suburb of the famous balneotherapeutic health resort - the town of Saki. It is a former military town, which is rapidly gaining popularity among tourists.

Tourist infrastructure Novofedorovka in recent years is developing - it surpasses many major resort centers of the peninsula in cleanliness, grooming and landscaping. Warm sea, curative mud treatment, reasonable prices and comfortable rest attract tourists here.

Coast Kalamitsky Bay, where the village is located, covered with sand and fine pebbles. Sea is clean, the entrance to the water is flat, the bottom flat, so Novofedorivka is one of the best resorts of Crimea for children and families.

Beach areas are well maintained and equipped - a lot of sun beds, covered with sun arbors, free toilets, showers, changing rooms, there are points to rent equipment. Safety of vacationers is monitored by lifeguards.


Last online:
Nov. 4, 2022, 7:26 a.m.
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