Webcam Vladivostok. Red Banner Avenue in real time

Vladivostok is the pearl of the Far East, a major free port and simply a unique city. Nikita Khrushchev once planned to turn the city in the Golden Horn Bay into the second San Francisco, but his plans were not fulfilled. It is for the best, because Vladivostok remained original, which is why it attracts numerous guests from all over the country and from abroad. You can see many interesting sights and spend a varied time in this remote corner of the country.

Vladivostok was founded as a military post in the mid-19th century. Thanks to the establishment of trade and other relations via the sea, the city grew and developed actively, and today it is quite a large prosperous city.
Despite the fact that the city is quite young, you can see the architecture of the times of the tsarist Russia, as well as the most beautiful modern temples of different faiths.

There are also a number of interesting museums in the city, devoted both to the history of the military in the city and its fortification value, as well as the distinctive culture of the indigenous inhabitants of these places. The city is notable for its developed infrastructure: one can visit a lot of entertainment facilities, such as theaters and cinemas, circus and oceanarium.

If you come to Vladivostok, it is impossible not to visit one of the sightseeing platforms that offer a breathtaking view over Golden Horn Bay, the port and the city's suburbs.
Many festivals take place in Vladivostok, and on the whole, the city lives a busy life.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:16 a.m.
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