Webcam Vologda. Prokatova Street, Gorky Street online

Prokatova Street is located in the central part of Vologda. It begins at the motor-pedestrian bridge of the 800th anniversary of Vologda, laid across the river of the same name and connects it with Predtechenskaya Street. Then it stretches in the southeastern direction as far as Severnaya Street. It crosses with Gorky Street and Gorodskoy Val Street. Its length is 550 meters.

The street combines typical buildings of the second half of the last century and multistory buildings erected in 1990s, the lower floors of which are occupied by offices and various stores. The odd-numbered side of the street is adjoined by the cozy Babushkin Square, a popular recreation area for city residents. Route 2 buses run along Prokatov Street.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:49 a.m.
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