Webcam Astrakhan. Privolzhsky Zaton online in real time

Before the revolution, it was Admiralteisky Zaton, and its embankment was accordingly called Admiralteisky Zaton Embankment. After, since 1920, about 18 years, it bore the name of the Hungarian revolutionary and a member of the government of communist Hungary (lasted 4 months and 10 days in 1919) Theodore Samueli (the embankment then became Theodore Samueli Zaton embankment). In 1938, the creek was named Privolzhsky, and its embankment accordingly became known as Privolzhsky Zaton Embankment.

Not long ago Privolzhsky Zaton and Varvatsievsky channel connected with it caused a lot of trouble: in summer time flow in them stopped, intensive algae growth began, threatening to turn these reservoirs into unsanitary bogs. 2 years ago, at the outlet of the Privolzhsky Zaton from the Tsarev River, a pumping station was finally put into operation, which significantly improved the situation in the channels, and the new embankments, bridges and fresh architectural dominants of the Zaton quite decorated this area of the city.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 10:54 a.m.
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