Webcam Ulyanovsk. 3rd International Street online

Ulyanovsk is a city on the banks of the Volga River with a unique history. Ulyanovsk is known worldwide as the birthplace of Vladimir Lenin. Ulyanovsk is a developed industrial center, the basis of its economy are enterprises of automotive industry, aircraft and instrument making.
Ulyanovsk is the aviation capital of the Russian Federation. Ulyanovsk aviation company - "Aviastar-SP" is the largest in Russia.

Volga-Dnepr Airlines is the world leader in the delivery of super-heavy and oversized cargo by air.
Ulyanovsk is one of the largest car manufacturing centers in the Volga region.

Ulyanovsk automobile plant is a legendary automobile plant with more than 70-year history, specializing in production of all-wheel drive passenger and commercial vehicles, as well as minibuses under UAZ trademark.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:25 a.m.
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