Webcam WHSD in St. Petersburg: Bogatyrsky Prospekt exit

The online webcam of the WHSD shows the exit to Bogatyrsky Avenue and Planernaya Street from the Western High-Speed Diameter in St. Petersburg in real time. The camera is located on the northern section of the WHSD at the toll booth on the side of Primorskiy prospect in St. Petersburg (direction of traffic in the north direction).

Tolling point of WHSD where a web camera is installed is located in Primorsky district of St.Petersburg. The camera is designed to monitor the traffic and congestion at the toll booth. This information can be useful for car owners to plan their route.

The WHSD online cameras work 24 hours a day in real time. You can watch the online camera from personal computers as well as from smartphones and tablets. Video broadcasting is available for viewing without registration.

Bogatyrsky Prospekt St. Petersburg runs from Prospekt Ispytateley to Shuvalovsky Prospekt.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 1:58 p.m.
St. Petersburg
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