Webcam Severodvinsk. Prospekt Truda (Arkhangelsk region) online

Severodvinsk, despite its proud title of the center of nuclear shipbuilding, has a reputation as not the most popular tourist destination. The city's "karma" is spoiled mainly by harsh weather conditions, a poor historical past and somewhat ascetic streets. However if you approach to the study of the character of the motherland of the White Sea ship-builders more thoroughly you will find out that the port is not so poor in impressions.

For example the northern lights of the sea, picturesque surroundings with countless lakes and chatty brooks, and finally the atmosphere of hidden power and military might literally floating in the air: the majority of domestic submarines "were forged" exactly in the workshops of Severodvinsk.

Besides, it is close to the legend of the Russian North - Arkhangelsk. Moreover both cities are connected by an intensive transport communication that will be especially pleasant for travelers, whose tourist plan-minimum includes "conquering" of two ports of Pomorie at once.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:52 a.m.
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