Webcam Kaliningrad. Ship-museum Cosmonaut Viktor Patsaev

The research vessel Cosmonaut Viktor Patsaev is the only space communication vessel in the world that has a museum exposition on board. The ship was moored at the Historical Fleet Embankment in 2001.

The R/V "Kosmonavt Viktor Patsaev" witnessed significant victories of the USSR in the exploration of space. The ship was a member of the group of ships of the Navy which were directly involved in the creation of the country's nuclear missile shield and provided tests and flights of spacecraft. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the difficult economic situation of the country in the 90s led to the disbandment of the fleet.

The ship bears the name of the cosmonaut Viktor Ivanovich Patsaev, the Hero of the Soviet Union, from Kaliningrad. On November 24, 1978 the pennant of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was raised on the ship. Until 1994 it was a part of the command and measurement complex, designed to monitor and control the flights of satellites and interplanetary stations, to receive and process information, to establish communication with the cosmonauts.

It was a floating measuring station on the World Ocean. To perform this work, the ship was equipped with a universal telemetry system and special equipment. The ship continued to perform its tasks until 2017, ensuring communication with the International Space Station.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:36 a.m.
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