Webcam Kostroma - Central Square - Susaninskaya

About the webcam "Central Square-Susaninskaya" in Kostroma

The unique opportunity to see the city from a bird's-eye view is not for everyone, but it is a truly magnificent sight, to refuse which means a lot for yourself to lose.

From such a height, everything looks completely different, including buildings and streets. In the Internet there are many webcams giving broadcasts exactly from the height of the bird's flight, one of such cameras is installed on the territory of Kostroma. You can watch. You can watch how the Susaninskaya Central Square looks like, which is very popular among the locals. Webcam here works around the clock, thanks to it you have a huge opportunity, without unnecessary costs you can travel around the world, discover something new and yet unexplored.

At night, the broadcast does not stop, and the user has the opportunity to see Kostroma in a different light, when the lights are lit and the light in the windows of the many buildings caught in the frame.

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Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 1:51 p.m.
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