Webcam Kaliningrad. Pregol River, World Ocean Museum in real time

The Museum of the World Ocean was organized by the decision of the Government of the RSFSR on April 12, 1990.
According to its charter, the Museum of the World Ocean is a republican center of scientific research and scientific-methodological work in the field of ocean research history and nature study.

The only Historical Fleet Quay in the country was created in the Museum of the World Ocean. The following vessels are moored at the quay: the largest vessel-museum "Vityaz" (1994), the only submarine-museum of 641 project afloat "B-413" (2000), the only vessel for space communication "Cosmonaut Victor Patsaev" with the museum exposition (2001), the only fishing vessel-museum of the country "SRT-129" (2009).

The embankment of the historical fleet stretches to St. Petersburg, where the world's oldest icebreaker "Krasin" is moored, which is a branch of the museum (2004). The ships represent the history of exploration and development of the world's oceans.
The coastal museum complex in Kaliningrad includes: main building, where the exhibition "The World of the Ocean.

A Touch..." (2003) with amazing aquariums, collections of sea mollusk shells and corals, geological and paleontological specimens; exhibition buildings "Marine Koenigsberg-Kaliningrad" and "Warehouse" (2007), pavilion of the Naval Center "Water Cube" (2014); a storage facility with the exhibition "Depth" (2015), where you can see the deep water vehicle "Mir-1" of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology. P.P. Shirshov RAS and the largest skeleton of a sperm whale in the country.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:46 a.m.
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