Online camera Medvezhjegorsk. A sports field near school #3

Medvezhjegorsk was founded by the breeder Zakhariev, who founded sawmills and a lumber mill here at the end of the 18th century. There were many bears roaming the dense woods, and one of them, a cub, was caught and given to the family for entertainment.

The cub was doing very well, until he squeezed one of the workers to death. The Zakharyevs had to shoot him. They buried their pet on the sand hill, which is called - Bear Mountain. Subsequently, a railway station was built there and took the apt name.

Bear Mountain became a town during the First World War, thanks to the construction of the railroad connecting the Barents Sea and St. Petersburg. In the 1930s, Medvezhegorsk continued its development: the famous White Sea-Baltic Canal, better known as the Belomorkanal, ran through it. Nowadays, Medvezhjegorsk is a quiet and cozy town on the shore of Lake Onega, and there is a lot to see and do here.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:36 a.m.
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