Webcam Evpatoria. Railway station

Evpatoria has long been considered a provincial town of Crimea, where they catch fish and extract salt. As a place of prestigious recreation, it was not considered until the 1890s, when the curative properties of the local mud were discovered.
The rapid growth of popularity spawned a transportation problem, and it was decided to provide Evpatoria with a railroad. What is convenient - it was not necessary to build from scratch. At 60 km from the city already had a line "Simferopol-Melitopol", and it only needed to raise an additional branch. In 1915 it was done - there was a new line "Evpatoria - Sarabuz" (now Ostryakovo), and in the city was built railway station. In 1916 the traffic was opened.

One of the first to Evpatoria station arrived the royal train, and on it - the entire family of the last Russian emperor. However the main purpose of this trip was not to inspect the railroad and the station, but to visit the hospital, the official patron of which was the Empress.
In tsarist times Evpatoria sent only two trains to Moscow. But the change of power also changed the situation. The status of almost the best children's resort of the USSR demanded a good transport accessibility for the settlement. Therefore, during the Soviet Eupatoria station worked very intensively.

During the holiday season, the number of trains arriving here increased significantly due to special resort flights. Evpatoria could be reached directly not only from Moscow and Leningrad, but also from Minsk, Kiev, and even from the Urals. In addition to long-distance flights, the station took local trains from Simferopol.
In comparison with other city railway stations Evpatoria station is not very big. The building of 1953 (the authors of the project - YA Bair-Babamyan and B. Brandenburg) does not have typical features of the ancient Crimea - no colonnades and other porticos. Rather its appearance is peculiar to something Byzantine, and in general - the monumentalism of those years.

The building is decorated with bas-reliefs and coat of arms of the city. Inside too all is smart, but without excesses - beautiful chandeliers, simple supporting columns, tiles. The small occupancy rate is a plus, too - the station is immaculately clean.

Last online:
Nov. 4, 2022, 8:41 a.m.
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