Webcam Gatchina. Residential complex "IQ Gatchina" (Leningrad region) online in real time

The urban development concept of IQ Gatchina was created by the Swedish architectural bureau Tovatt Architects & Planners, headed by Johannes Tovatt. The European approach to creating a comfortable urban environment is reflected in the modern, vibrant quarter of IQ Gatchina. That is why we call this quarter Swedish.

Within 200 meters from the quarter - shopping centers O'Kay, Metric and Cubus.
A half an hour walk to the famous Gatchina Palace and landscape park with lakes, bridges, terraces, pavilions - one of the best examples of landscape art of the XVIII century.
Within walking distance - a stop of the route cab and public transport.

Last online:
Nov. 11, 2022, 10:44 a.m.
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