Online Camera Vologda. Proletarskaya Street, Blagoveshchenskaya Street

Blagoveshchenskaya street was formed from two pre-revolutionary streets: Bolshaya Blagoveshchenskaya and Kobylkina, the names of which were first recorded in the Plan of Vologda in 1824.
Bolshaya Blagoveshchenskaya street stretched from Gostinodvorskaya square (now Mira street) to Peterburgskaya street (now Leningradskaya street). It was named after the Church of the Annunciation situated on the crossing of Malaya Blagoveshchenskaya Street (now Blagoveshchenskaya Street, Batyushkov). In the 1930s, it was renamed into Klara Zetkin Street in honor of the prominent figure of the communist movement in Germany, who died in the USSR in 1933 and was buried on the Red Square near the Kremlin Wall.

Kobylkin Street stretched from Peterburgskaya Street (now Leningradskaya Street) to Bogoslovskaya Street (now Vorovsky Street). Behind it - up to the railroad - stretched Obukhovskaya street, which was named after a house located there in XVI-XVII centuries. Obukhovskaya Sloboda was located here in XVI-XVII centuries.

However, the maps of Vologda of different time show an indistinct demarcation of these streets: in the Plan of Vologda of 1886 instead of two streets Kobylkina and Obukhovskaya we see a single Obukhovskaya street. In the Plan of Vologda 1926 the street is indicated as Kobylkinskaya.
On May 9, 1936, Kobylkinskaya street was annexed to Klara Zetkin street. On September 26, 1991, Clara Zetkin Street was given back its "historical" name - Blagoveshchenskaya.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:54 a.m.
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