Webcam Chelyabinsk. Beivel Street, Sculptor Golovnitsky Street

Beyvel Street appeared in 2008 in the north-west of Chelyabinsk, when a wasteland on the outskirts of the city began to be built up with panel blocks of flats.
Alexander Beyvel is a doctor by education.

He began his career in the village of Voskresenskoye in Chelyabinsk uyezd. He was sent there by assignment after the institute. In 1892 Beyvel moves to Chelyabinsk. At that time the city was in the throes of a typhus epidemic, there was a shortage of doctors. The young doctor was noticed at once: he treated those who could not be diagnosed by other doctors. He did much for the development of medicine in the city: it was he who purchased the first X-ray machine in Chelyabinsk.

In addition to medicine, Beyvel gave much time to social activities. Because of this in 1898 he had to leave medicine - Alexander Franzevich was elected mayor of the city Duma. And 5 years later he was elected to the post of mayor of the city. In this position Beyvel worked for three terms, until 1911. By the way, Alexander Beyvel is the only head of the city in the history of Chelyabinsk, which three times elected to this position.

Under Alexander Beyvel Chelyabinsk began to actively develop. So, under him, the city's budget revenues doubled, the streets and squares were paved, electric lighting and telephone service were installed, and the construction of the water pipeline began.

Last online:
Jan. 6, 2023, 12:03 p.m.
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