Webcam Khabarovsk. Amur Boulevard, Intourist online in real time

Amur Boulevard is located in the central part of Khabarovsk. It begins from the Academy of Physical Education and ends with the station of Khabarovsk-1 railway station. This is a beautiful green place, where residents and guests of the city like to walk in the evenings.

The history of Amur Boulevard in Khabarovsk began in the XIX century. It finally formed by the mid-1960s. The central pedestrian area is decorated with flower gardens. On both sides of it are administrative buildings and houses. Khabarovsk Amur Boulevard seamlessly merges with the territory of the largest Lenin Stadium in the Far East.

Like most pedestrian zones in cities, Amur Boulevard has a number of sights, one of which is the sculpture "Lady with a Doggy" located opposite the "Druzhba" cinema. On a bronze bench sits a bronze woman in a dress with a deep slit and with an equally deep cleavage, her feet shod in high-heeled shoes. Next to her on the bench sits a doggy. The sculpture appeared here for the 150th anniversary of the city.

Another remarkable monument on Amur Boulevard - Black Tulip. It is installed at the Lenin Stadium. Lenin Stadium, adjacent to the boulevard. There are always flowers near the monument. Not only Khabarovsk citizens come here but also guests and a lot of young people.
On September 10, 2014 at the intersection of Amur Boulevard and Sheronov Street in the area of Guprovsky town, the grand opening of the architectural composition "Song of Friendship" took place. The art object consists of two musical instruments - Russian balalaika and Chinese pipa.

An unusual landmark - metal figures of zodiac signs - was installed on Amursky Boulevard where it intersects with Dikopoltsev Street. All works are made of black metal by a separate pair of authors.
There are a lot of benches and lighting on Amur Boulevard. Many people run here, do sports, and mothers bring their children for a walk.

Last online:
Dec. 26, 2022, 11:12 a.m.
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