Camera online Biysk. Monument to soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (Altai Territory)

Webcam online on Dokuchaeva Street.
Biysk is a vivid example of the fact that "in the backwoods of Siberian ores" can hide many unique cultural and architectural sights. The settlement was founded in 1709 by decree of Peter the Great. Then, on the site of today's town was located Bikatunsky stockaded town. During its long history the city has experienced both the heyday and the fall, and complete destruction. But it was destined to make a significant contribution to the annexation of the mountain country to the Russian Empire, which in ancient times was inhabited by the subjects of Dzungarian Khan.

Modern Biysk attracts travelers from all over Russia. Someone comes here as part of an excursion group, someone get acquainted with its surroundings on their own. Thanks to the numerous sights in Biysk you can stay for a few days, and the time spent in these parts, will give bright and unforgettable memories.

Last online:
Nov. 17, 2022, 7:28 a.m.
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