Online Camera Yaroslavl. Volodarskogo street, Bogdanovicha street

Yaroslavl is an old Russian city, the center of Yaroslavl region of the Russian Federation, located at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers.
The city was founded in 1010 by Yaroslav the Wise as a fortress to protect the northeastern borders of Russia. It was the first Christian city on the Volga.

Volodarsky street, one of the central streets of Yaroslavl, was given a new name in 1924 in honor of Commissioner of Press, agitation and propaganda V. Volodarsky, who died at the hands of the SR. Before that it was called Poshehonskaya. Nowadays here are situated educational institutions, the main children's library of the region, and the main Yaroslavl stadium.

Bogdanovich Street was named in August 1984 in honor of Maxim Adamovich Bogdanovich (1891-1917) - Belarusian poet. He graduated from Yaroslavl men's gymnasium (1908-1911) and Demidov Law Lyceum (1911-1916). The former Bolshaya Danilovskaya (after the town of Danilov in the Yaroslavl region). Maxim Bogdanovich lived on this street. Unfortunately, the house has not survived.

Last online:
Nov. 17, 2022, 6:44 a.m.
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