Webcam online Yaroslavl. Alley at the monument to the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl

Monument to the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl is located in the historic center of the city, in the lower tier of the park at the Strelka. It was opened on September 10, 2010 during the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the city of Yaroslavl.
The monument was created by a group of authors from Moscow: sculptor and architect Mikhail Tochechny, sculptor A.N. Kovalchuk and architect M. Korsi. The project was funded by Gazprom.

The design of the monument was chosen based on the results of an open competition, to which 20 projects were submitted. According to the idea of the planners and the executives of the city the monument should "embody in a bright and concise form the main idea of Yaroslavl's contribution to the development of Russia". Participants of the competition offered not only the image and form, but also a place for the monument in the city.
The monument represents a granite column more than 20 meters high on a massive pedestal. The column is crowned with the gilded sculpture of double-headed eagle - the symbol of the Russian state. On the pedestal there are five bronze figures: the founding prince of the city - Yaroslav the Wise, and also figurine-images of Yaroslavl with the child, a warrior, an Orthodox priest and a townsman.

In the upper part of the pedestal are four bas-reliefs depicting significant events of the city's history: the founding of the city by Prince Yaroslav and the victory over paganism, the battle against the Tatars on the Tugova Mountain, the finding of the Tolga icon of Our Lady, the performance of Pozharsky and Minin from the city. The lower part of the pedestal is belted with ten multifigure bas-reliefs, symbolically telling about the stages of the city's history, among them: the Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich and stone construction in the city in the XVII century, the development of architecture and icon painting in the XVII century, the city in the late XIX - early XX century, Yaroslavl uprising in 1918, the industrialization of the 1930s, Yaroslavl participation in the Great Patriotic War, industrial and civil construction of the late 1950s-1960s. The last in this series of bas-reliefs symbolize the flight into space of Valentina Tereshkova and the life of Yaroslavl in the post-Soviet period.

The bas-reliefs depict people who have played a significant role in the history of the city: merchant Maxim Zatrapeznov, governor Alexei Melgunov, actor Fyodor Volkov, general Yakov Dedyulin, philanthropist Pavel Demidov, city head Ivan Vahromeev and others.

The monument to the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl bears a marked resemblance to the monument to sunken ships in Sevastopol.


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Dec. 1, 2022, 7:41 a.m.
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